to fish for Artic Grayling
With its distinctive sailfish like dorsal fin, the Arctic Grayling is easily identified. Grayling can be found in cold northern bodies of water in Canada, Alaska, Siberia, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. The Arctic Grayling has also been introduced to many other provinces and states. The Arctic Grayling prefers clear cold water with rocky or sandy bottoms. The Grayling will eat small fish or eggs but the majority of its diet is made up of insects, especially mayflies, stone flies, and caddis flies. Most Arctic Grayling average 8 to 14 inches and about 1 lb, but fish up to 24 inches and 4 lbs have been recorded.
The Arctic Grayling can be caught on light spinning tackle with small spinners and lures but the majority of anglers pursue the Grayling with fly gear. Feeding primarily on insects, the Arctic Grayling offers one of the finest dry fly fishing opportunities with its decidedly opportunistic feeding style. Fly fishing for Arctic Grayling is especially popular because of their willingness to rise to a dry fly.
Fly patterns for Arctic Grayling include the Adams, elk hair caddis in olive, green or red humpy, Royal coachmen, Royal wulff , blue upright, red tail black gnat, Salcha Pinkie, Delektable CDC Olive Prince, Bead Head Thin Mint and the black Gnat. These flies work well but any flies that imitate the different life stages of mayflies, caddis flies, midges, and mosquitoes will instigate a strike from a Grayling. For Grayling flies in the smaller sizes should be used.
For Arctic Grayling a 3, 4, or 5 weight fly rod with a comparable lightweight reel is suitable. The most common fly line choice for Grayling is a weight forward floating line with a tapered 9 foot leader terminating with 4X-5X tippet are generally
