to fish for Brook Trout
Brook Trout can be found in rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes. Of all the Charr the Brook Trout can tolerate the widest variety of conditions. They thrive best in northern coldwater lakes but can exist in many conditions including brackish and tidal rivers. The Brook Trout has been introduced into many areas but is mostly found in the northeastern United States, Ontario, Quebec, and the Canadian Maritimes. The average angler caught Brook Trout is under 10 inches and less than a pound. The Brook Trout mostly feeds on aquatic and terrestrial insects.
Fishing for Brook Trout can be done with ultralight spinning gear. Small spinners like Mepps, Blue Foxes, or Panther Martins tied to 4 to 6 pound test on your ultralight spinning tackle works well for most areas. Baits will also work for Brook Trout such as dew worms, crickets, bugs and also commercial baits like power bait.
Fly fishing for Brook Trout is very popular. This can be done with light fly gear. A 7 foot 3 weight fly rod with matching disc drag reel spooled with Scientific Anglers 3 wt. WF line is a great set up for Brookies. Depending on the size of fly you are using a tippet ranging from 7x to 5x should be used (2 to 4 pound test).
The following flies and sizes work well for Brook Trout in most areas and situations. Black Gnat Wet Fly sizes 10 -16, Royal Coachman Fanwing Dry sizes 10-16, Blue Dun Bivisible sizes 10- 20, Brown Bivisible sizes 10-20, Grey Hackle Yellow sizes 10 -20, Brown Hackle Peacock sizes 12-20, Cow Dung Wet Fly sizes 12 -20, Abbey Wet Fly sizes 12-16, Alder Wet Fly sizes 12 -16, Light Cahill Wet Fly sizes 12 -18, Dark Cahill Wet Fly sizes 12 -18, Coachman Lead Wing Wet Fly sizes 12 -18, March Brown English Wet Fly sizes 10-14, March Brown American Wet Fly sizes 10-14, Rio Grande King Wet Fly sizes 10-16, Royal Coachman Wet Fly sizes 10-18, Silver Doctor Wet Fly sizes 12-16, Picket Pin Wet Fly sizes 8-12, Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear Wet Fly sizes 8-16, Warden Wet Fly sizes 12-16 .
