to fish for Permit
Permit frequent shallow coastal waters in search of various types of crustaceans. Although a popular fishing method is fishing the flats, Permit can also be found schooling in deeper water around wrecks and reefs where bait fishing works well. Fishing for Permit takes place in Florida, Mexico, Costa Rica, and the Bahamas.
The best areas to fish for permit is in shallow flats with 2 to 5 feet of water and sandy bottoms. Permit are one of the most elusive gamefish on the flats. Their body shaped like a dinner plate gives them ultimate fighting power with the leverage of their body against the pull of a fishing line. They can often be found tailing in shallow water on a calm day.
Sight fishing for permit is the ideal method of permit fishing. To maximize the thrill of catching this prized fish you want to cast your crab or shrimp and watch the permit take the bait. The three main elements of permit fishing are the same as bonefish, stalking, presentation and catching. As with any sight fishing, seeing your prey is important for increasing your success. Making the proper presentation with your bait is the most difficult hurdle. If all goes well, catching this hard fighting silver disk will give you one of the best light tackle fights possible.
Permit are generally caught using live bait such as shrimp and crabs and light spinning tackle is great for casting the lightweight natural baits. For Permit a fast action 7 to 8 foot spinning rod with a flexible, light tip. A good quality spinning reel in the 8 to 12 pound range spooled with 250 yds of 10 Lb test line. Tie on a small or medium size barrel swivel with a slip sinker outfit with a 1/8 to 1/4 oz. slip sinker and a #1 or #2 Mustad 9174 O'Shaughnessy bait hook with a hermit crab or shrimp threaded on. Hooks should all be barbless.
