to fish for Yellow Perch
The Yellow Perch can be found in North America from northwestern Canada to the far northwestern United States, through central and southern Canada, the north-central United States, and the Great Lakes region, and into the southeastern Canadian provinces, as well as the eastern United States south to South Carolina. Yellow Perch have also been introduced to many locations around the world.
The yellow perch is a cool water species and is most abundant in the open water of lakes with moderate vegetation, clear water and bottoms that vary from mud to sand and gravel. Yellow perch prefer water temperature from 65 ° to 72° F. Yellow Perch are often found moving about in loose groups of 50 to 200 fish. Yellow Perch feed on immature insects, larger invertebrates, eggs and a wide variety of small fish. Yellow Perch feed mostly during the day. Although Yellow Perch can grow up to 16 inches long most angler caught Yellow Perch are from 6 to 10 inches long and under 3/4 of a pound.
Yellow Perch are generally easy to catch and because of their size are perfect for ultra-light tackle. An ultra-light spinning rod that is 5 to 6 feet long with a matched small spinning reel spooled with 4 lb test line is perfect for most lakes and ponds. Attach a small float to the line 3 to 6 feet above a small hook size #2 to #6. About 12 inches above your hook attach a couple of small split shot weights onto the line. Popular baits include small minnows, worms, leeches, crickets, grubs, and crayfish tails. Thread a piece of bait onto the long shank hook and cast it out so it is near underwater structures.
There are other popular methods for Yellow Perch. When targeting bigger fish, a rubber jig can be used to imitate an injured fish. Allow the jig to sink to the bottom before jigging it between short retrieves. Small spinners will also work well as they create irresistible vibrations in the water. Be sure to carry different colors when lure fishing so you can adapt to the water color and lighting. Small spinners such as the Toni, Mepps, or Panther Martin seldom fail. Likewise tiny spoons such as the Hopkins ST or the Williams Wabler. Small plugs such as the Flatfish or Lazy Ike are used occasionally also.
